Your friendly neighborhood stoners


Episodes where we talk about Superman
June 11, 2024

Ep. 226 - Superman: The Movie

Another Patreon episode is out of the vault as the guys talk the 1978 classic Superman: The Movie. But first what’s Jake’s good news? Is there a better duo than Kesha and Pitbull? What would Martin Luther King’s signature wre...

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May 6, 2024

Ep. 216 - The Death of Superman

Another Patreon exclusive is out of the vault and this time the guys discuss the DC Comics classic The Death of Superman by Dan Jurgens, Roger Stern, Louise Simonson, Jerry Ordway, Karl Kesel and more! But first do people thi...

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Dec. 7, 2023

Ep. 174 - Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow

On the second brand-new episode of Comics and Chronic this week, the guys discuss Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King and Bilquis Evely. But first where was Cody stuck? What did he think of seeing Theo Von live? Was this...

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Feb. 9, 2023

Ep. 115 - DCU: A Higher Tomorrow

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic we discuss the upcoming DC movie slate revealed by James Gunn! Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters. But first is Cody’s laugh the lifeblood of the podcast? How did we like The Menu? How do...

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June 23, 2022

Ep. 79 - Superman: Red Son

In this week's episode we dive into one of our favorite Elseworlds stories form DC Comics Superman: Red Son . Written by Mark Millar with art by Dave Johnson and Kilian Plunkett. Plus, what did we think of the sequel announce...

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Feb. 27, 2022

Ep. 60 - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (The Sunday Smoke Sesh)

In the inaugural episode of The Sunday Smoke Sesh , comedian, writer, and loyal Commie Carter Thomas joins to talk Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice . Specifically, Carter made us watch the 3 hour Ultimate Edition which may ...

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Jan. 27, 2022

Ep. 55 - Hey Now You're an All-Star Superman

In our first episode of 2022, we discuss the classic DC comic from Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely All-Star Superman . What are the effects of Kryptonian DMT? Is Lois Lane a baddie? Would Jake be a corrupt Superman or end wo...

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Nov. 25, 2021

Ep. 49 - Man of Steel

We're talking Zack Snyder's Man of Steel this Thanksgiving! Was Superman right for snapping Zod's neck? How many Joe Pescis did Anthony give How I Met Your Mother? Did Cody give the big fuck you to Outback? Would Jesus snap s...

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