On the newest Sunday Smoke Sesh the guys celebrate Cody and Jake’s birthdays and talk the Red Eye comedy fest. But first which comic writer and former guest did Jake get to wish Cody a happy birthday? Is Jake a raw dog Aries?...
San Diego Comic-Con 2022 is over and we're here to talk about some of the announcements on new short and sweet edition (with just the guys) of The Sunday Smoke Sesh! None bigger than Cody himself taking the reins from Kevin F...
In our nicest and most normal episode yet, Jessica Crets aka @badpostsLLC joins us to discuss Rachel Pollack's Doom Patrol , the DC/Vertigo comic from the early 90s. We talk trans representation in comics like Neil's Gaiman's...
The Sunday Smoke Sesh returns alongside John Blacksad as we talk Dark Horse Comics' Blacksad Vol. 2: A Silent Hell by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido. Friend of the podcast and artist Joey Murphy joins us to discuss! Ho...
In the inaugural episode of The Sunday Smoke Sesh , comedian, writer, and loyal Commie Carter Thomas joins to talk Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice . Specifically, Carter made us watch the 3 hour Ultimate Edition which may ...