Dec. 1, 2022

Ep. 103 - Barbarian

Ep. 103 - Barbarian

This week the guys dive into the new horror movie from writer/director and member of the Whitest Kids U Know Zach Cregger, Barbarian. But first we pay tribute to the icon Kevin Conroy. What was his audition like to get the role of Batman in the animated series? What scenario was Cody in when he found out the hero had passed? How do we get from Kevin Conroy to today’s topic? How did the director use casting to throw the audience’s expectations through loops? Should the lead character’s decision making go down in history as the worst in any movie ever? What are some of our favorite theaters? What do we think about The Mother?  What scene from this would be fun to splice with The Sopranos? Who would we love to see in a Zack Cregger Batman movie? Would we suck on The Mother’s titties to survive? How do we feel about breastmilk? What other animal’s milk do we want to try? Would The Rock win a presidency? What do we order when we go to theaters? Is our ranking system for everybody?

RIP Kevin Conroy

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