Ep. 105 - Netflix presents The Sandman

The guys make their triumphant return to The Dreaming on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic to talk about Netflix’s The Sandman. But first, they get into what they did on Halloween. When is the perfect scenario to wear the t-shirt of the Commies? How do we feel about Henry Cavill coming back as Superman? Is Henry Cavill the hottest nerd? How does the show change or update the comic? Do we agree with all the choices they made stylistically? How do we feel about the casting? Why do the British confuse Anthony? Did the lead actor do well as Morpheus? What were our favorite episodes? Was The Corinthian a good villain? Or would we prefer The Cuminthian? What stylistic choices could have been made to improve the show? Would the show have been better on HBO? Would we start sucking up in order to get Comics and Chronic produced by HBO? Would Dahmer kill Cody? Was there something missing from the show? Is our biggest complaint Netflix and its production studios? Could they turn The Sandman into a cinematic universe? Is the comic book better?
And did Jake just put Neil Gaiman on Comics and Chronic's hitlist?!
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