Feb. 9, 2023

Ep. 115 - DCU: A Higher Tomorrow

Ep. 115 - DCU: A Higher Tomorrow

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic we discuss the upcoming DC movie slate revealed by James Gunn! Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters. But first is Cody’s laugh the lifeblood of the podcast? How did we like The Menu? How do we feel about Harry Potter? What is the value in hearing diverse voices in storytelling? Why is it important to get the perspective of different cultures? Would we like to see Charles and Magneto in love? If Marvel and The Boys are very different from the comics how do we feel about DCU sounding like it wants to be true to comics? Are we excited for The Brave and The Bold? Should Green Lantern take place in space or on earth? Who are our casting choices for Jon Stewart and Hal Jordan? Who did Anthony suggest that is totally wrong? What do we know about the Wildcat universe? Who should be in charge of Swamp Thing? What aesthetic would we like and how does that make Cody feel? Do we like James Gunn’s love for low profile characters? Is Jeff Lemiere a writer with more hits? Do we want Chris Pratt as Booster Gold? How has Batman’s training helped him prevent childbirth? What does that say about Talia that Batman would allow a kid to be born? How old is this Batman gonna be?  Could baby Superman have prevented 9/11? Why can’t we cast any parts? Are we too high to cast anything? Should the actors be unknowns? Why do we feel inclined to take sides between DC and Marvel? Are we excited for DC movies to all have distinct feels and stories? Are we excited to see everybody leave from the previous DC movies? Find out the answers to these and more on this week’s episode!

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