Ep. 116 - The Comics and Chronic Valentine's Day Special

On this special Valentine’s Day Half Baked edition of Comics and Chronic, Jake, Cody and Anthony talk about some of their favorite and least favorite comic book runs for some of their favorite characters. All spurred on by a call on the Comics and Chronic hotline from Wade of The Most Lavish Podcast!
In this episode we discuss: Brian K. Vaughan’s Saga, X-Men: Second Coming, Uncanny X-Force (Rick Remender), Avengers vs. X-Men, Batman (The Long Halloween/Hush - Jeph Loeb), The Dark Knight Strikes Again (Frank Miller) Hulk, Green Lantern (Blackest Night/The Sinestro Corp Wars), The Flash, The Amazing Spider-Man (J. Michael Straczynski/Dan Slott/Nick Spencer, Superior Spider-Man, Captain America (Brubaker/Remender), Wonder Woman (Brian Azzarello), Animated X-Men/X-Men Evolution/Fox X-Men, and Superboy Prime
Plus: Bruce Banner cucks The Abomination Why is Cody rushing? What are our top 3 favorite Marvel and DC series? Avengers or Justice League? Can the X-Men beat Superman? Has Cody read any Flash books besides Flashpoint? And how much Green Lantern has he read? Is Geoff Johns Green Lantern run worth reading?
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