Ep. 117 - Armageddon: Michael Bay Melts Steel Beams

In this week’s episode the guys are discussing the 1998 Michael Bay epic Armageddon. But first what does this have to do with The Number 23? What comics have the guys bought recently? What callback do we make to 9/11? What comic book writer has no misses? What do we think of Immortal X-Men from Kieron Gillen? How do we get The Perfect Jake? What’s Cody’s surprise show-and-tell? Is Armageddon a stressful movie? Should you eat an edible while watching Armageddon? What are some of our favorite lines? What is space dementia? What’s the best Michael Bay movie? What can Michael Bay do that jet fuel can’t? Which characters would we be in the movie? Who dies in this movie? Is Michael Bay killing the misogyny game in 98? Does Michael Bay do real stunts? Is Liv Tyler a certified baddie? Should we thank the Tyler family for the quality of this movie? Are nepo babies bad? Would we stop the world from being saved if our hope lied with a nepo baby? What other Liv Tyler movies do we like? What demands would we make from the government if we had to save the world? Could the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have pulled this off? What did we think of the montage scene? Do we believe the Avril Lavigne conspiracy? What changed in recent blockbusters? Find out the answers to these and more on this week’s SECOND new episode of Comics and Chronic!
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