Ep. 120 - The Banshees of Inisherin

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic we are covering Oscar nominee The Banshees of Inisherin from writer/director Marin McDonagh. Up first how do most of our episodes start? Is this Sound of Music episode? What musical theater did Jake and Cody do as kids? When did Antony start performing? What drove us to the stage? Is this the most soundboard heavy episode of the podcast? Why did Anthony watch In Bruges while he was on shrooms? In what context did Cody watch Three Billboards? Is this our number one movie for the year? Is the story behind Banshees silly? How are Colin Ferrell and Brandon Gleason’s performances? What are Anthony’s crazy takes in this episode? How is this movie paced? What made the cinematography so stunning in this movie? What war is taking place during this movie? Does this movie have copaganda? Why did Dominic kill himself? Which characters are cultured? Why is Cody young forever? How does this movie parallel Jake and Cody’s relationship? Who would be who? Who in The Batman should Brandon Gleason play alongside Colin Ferrell? What Batman villains would we be? Who has a happy ending in this movie? Is Jake short? Who in Anthony’s life did this movie remind him of? Did it ever get to the point of murder in the film? What did the witch predict? What pushes Podrick to snap? What did the community think of Colmsom Larry’s choice? Is it the nonsense that keeps Jake and Cody’s relationship alive? Could we survive on Inisherin? Would we be content on that island? How did Anthony end the podcast as the villain? What movies do we love from 2022?
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