March 16, 2023

Ep. 121 - New X-Men

Ep. 121 - New X-Men

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys discuss Grant Morrison’s New X-Men (Issues 144-126 + the 2001 annual). But first how did Cody almost die this week? What are the guys drinking? What new comics did Jake grab? In what way is Jake a detective? What do we think of Frank Quitely’s art? In what way does this comic set the stage for the next 20 years of X-Men? How does Grant Morrison raise the stakes for the X-Men? Why are the mutants in this comic so ugly? Was Emma Frost always able to turn into a diamond? Who is Cassandra Nova? What silly thing happens to Cassandra that she makes her hate Charles Xavier? How many mg can we handle? What creative ways does Morrison use mutant powers? Do the mutants look good? Who do we prefer Jean Grey or Emma Frost? Do Wolverine and Cyclops fuck down the road? What X-men would we want to be? What X-men are we most like? Would Jake make a good Gladiator? What is Xorn’s real identity? Do we like that X-men kill? What is Cody’s bold (?) comic book take? Is Catwoman Batman’s greatest villain? Who is Batman’s greatest villain? Who is our favorite comic book villain? Are republicans X-men’s greatest villain? Is Magneto the greatest comic book villain? Who is Fantomex? What do we think of The Phoenix? Should we forget X3: The Last Stand? What humans are the main X-men villains? How does Cassandra kill Trask? Is this one of the most influential X-men comics? Find out the answer to this and more in this week’s episode of Comic’s and Chronic!



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