April 3, 2023

Ep. 125 - One Bad Day: Clayface/One Good Day: Cody Cannon

Ep. 125 - One Bad Day: Clayface/One Good Day: Cody Cannon
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Comics and Chronic

On this new Half Baked episode of Comics and Chronic, Jake and Anthony discuss the one-shot Batman - One Bad Day: Clayface by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Xermanico and Romulo Fajardo Jr. But first, who’s the special guest that wishes Cody a happy birthday at the beginning of this episode? Are Jake and Anthony writing a comic about Cody's one good day? What Marvel comics has this writing team worked on? Is this one our favorite of DC’s Batman - One Bad Day comics? Is this comic relatable if you're trying to make it in LA as an actor or writer? What other Clayface comics do we like? Does James Tynion's Detective Comics have any influence on this interpretation of Clayface? Is one of Cody’s signature phrases in the comic? What's cool about the One Bad Day box set coming out? Is having one edition of a comic book enough? Why do Jake and Anthony not like to let people borrow their comic books? Is Clayface a good actor? Is Anthony a childhood elitist? What stylistic choices did we like about the comic? Did Anthony & Jake predict that Clayface will be the villain in Matt Reeves The Batman 2? What Batman villain's one bad day wasn't as bad as the others?


Happy Birthday Cody!!


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