May 30, 2023

Ep. 137 - Chillin' and Bullshit

Ep. 137 - Chillin' and Bullshit
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Comics and Chronic

On this bonus episode of Comics and Chronic the guys are just shooting the shit. Is Cody’s super power sleeping? Have we had good or bad experiences with edibles? Do we love Sade on this pod? What’s our go-to karaoke song? Do Commies lie? Is Anthony starting beef with other comic book podcasts? Are we the best comic book podcast? What does Jake think of Greg Rucka’s Stumptown? What do we think of the John Wick movies? Was John Wick influenced by The Raid? How do we feel about video games on this pod? Are they too complicated now? Does Cody have issues with video games or self-control? What comics has Anthony been reading? Is Grant Morrison the coolest person in comics? Are we excited to have all these properties from our childhood getting rebooted? What action figures was Jake able to find from his childhood? What would our action figures come equipped with? Does Anthony have an Anthony Funko pop? How are Cody’s impressions? Is Jake the impressions guy of the group? How do we feel about Steven Spielberg’s body of work? Where is Cody in his comedy career? Are we making the right moves? Find out this and more on our bonus episode of Comics and Chronic!

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