Ep. 138 - Commodus and Chronic

On the newest episode the guys Discuss Ridley Scott’s Gladiator. Is this one of the best movies ever? How many awards did this win? Is Anthony a gladiator hater? Is Russel Crowe a good actor? Did Anthony like Armageddon more? Why does Anthony’s taste bother Jake? What kind of movie would each of the guys write? Which character would we be? Is this a better role from Joaquin Phoenix than The Joker? What A24 titles have we been digging? Can Cody deliver the plot? Are Anthony’s takes strong enough to make Jake and Cody violent? Is Commetus the best part of the movie? Is episode going to turn us against Anthony? Did Russell Crowe’s portrayal in South Park affect him? Is Cody ever going to be able to pronounce a name correctly? Is the chariot battle the best battle? How would Maximus do against characters in Game of Thrones? Should we tie up and torture Anthony? Are they making Gladiator 2? Is Anthony in his Villain era? Find out in week’s episode of Comics and Chronic!
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