Ep. 140 - Jason Shawn Alexander

On this week's 2nd episode we have a long time awaited guest on: Jason Shawn Alexander! He is the artist for Killadelphia & Nita Hawes’ Nightmare blog with writer Rodney Barnes. He also does art for Dark Horse, D.C. & Todd McFarlane’s Spawn. Plus he's a comic collector of the 90’s. Tune in as he tells us about his Image book Empty Zone and about his life with fine art and comic art. Also in this episode, will you turn into Alex Mack if you drink Capri Sun? How does smoking marijuana play a role in Alex’s creative process? How does sketching help Alex’s artistic talent? Does Jason confirm a long held belief by Anthony that James Sangster Sr. from Killadelphia is modeled after actor Phil Morris? Did Jason enjoy killing off Drake in Killadelphia? What is Rodney & Jason’s creative process like? How did Spawn enter the Killadelphia Universe? How many projects is JSA currently working on? Is Anthony going to be the model of John Adams’ son? Tune in tomorrow to find out the answers and more with this interview we’re incredibly excited to put out!!
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