Ep. 145 - Hightanic

On the newest Comics and Chronic the boys discuss the powerhouse movie TITANIC directed by James Cameron. Are the boys addicted to JC? Could any of us survive the sinking of the ship? Would we go down with the ship like the band that keeps playing, podcasting till the end? Would a sea lion raping a character make this movie better? Is Anthony becoming a conspiracy theorist (See JP Morgan/Titanic theory). Did you know some of the cast of Titanic was dosed with PCP while filming? How old were you when you realized the Hunter from Jumanji was also Alan Parish’s father? Can Jake do basic math? Does Cody have asthma? Is Rose a communist icon? Is Rose for the streets? Did James Cameron have a hand in 9/11? Why was he in a submarine while it happened? Does this movie have the most iconic song? Is Jake more Kathy Bates or Billy Zane? Find the answers and tune in now!
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