Ep. 153 - Copstantine

On the newest episode the guys cover the Keanu Reeves 2005 movie Constantine! But first the guys talk the passing of Ray Stevenson. Also what season is it? Is this movie comic accurate? Did we know about Constantine before seeing the movie? Does this have The Matrix energy? Why was this time period important to the guys? What other comic book movies came out the same year and how do we rank them? Which of us is Shia Lebouf? Is Djimon Hounsou an underrated actor? Is Anthony as Jewish as Jake? Should there be a Veggietales/Constantine crossover? What vegetables would these characters be and how did we get here? Is there a hierarchy of Jewishness on the podcast? What was Constantine’s arsenal of weapons like? Who is Spiders-Man? Are the demons acting differently? How is the chemistry between Keanu and Rachel Weisz? Is Constantine a cop or ACAB? Who would we cast as British Constantine? Have comic book writers seen the character in real life? How was Gavin Rossdale get beaten? Does this movie have our favorite on screen Lucifer? Did this movie hold up compared to modern comic movies? How is Constantine like Superman? Does Constantine have punk vibes? Will there be a Constantine sequel? Does Cody like Bush? How was Cody involved with 9/11? Do we like I Am Legend? Where did we first see this movie? Is Cody the Gabriel of this episode? Could Constantine defeat Candyman? Find out the answer to these and more in the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!
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