Aug. 31, 2023

Ep. 156 - The Human Target (Vol. 1)

Ep. 156 - The Human Target (Vol. 1)

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys are talking DC’s The Human Target from Tom King and Greg Smallwood. But first how are Jake and Cody’s Smash Bros. matches going? Who do they like to play as? Where does this comic take place? Who is Christopher Chance? How’s the art? Does this give off 1950s/60s vibes? What iteration of the Justice League is featured in this comic? Was somebody trying to kill The Human Target or Lex Luthor? Do we like how Guy Gardner is written? Is this a sexy comic? Do we trust Ice? Can anybody be trusted? Who would we cast in a live action version of this? Has DC been nerfing Martian Manhunter? Is MM’s issue the weakest? Do we think we know the answer to the mystery? Does Christopher Chance have enough rizz to have a threesome with Fire and Ice? Who would we be if we were in the comic? Does Cody cry after sex? Why is Cody shirtless? Was the poison actually Martian jizz? Does Jake’s fandom of Coldplay hurt the podcast? Was this the best comic we’ve read in awhile? Is this the final recording with Cody in LA? Does Anthony have to compete with Ice Spice for the Bronx? Find out the answer to these and others on the newest Comics and Chronic!


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