Ep, 163 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Rise of Stephen Strangelove

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys keep spooky season going by discussing the 1974 horror classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! But first what is Jake’s Mutant power? Can Jake warp reality and turn any situation into an argument? Who did Cody open for before recording this episode? Does Cody’s comedy translate well with the hearing impaired? What is American Sign Language for Cum hands? What other comedians is Cody booking? Is the Comics and Chronic hotline back on? Who is our new anonymous Commie? Do we do our first ever live on air phone call to a fan this episode? What comedies didn’t hold up from the 70’s? Who is Steven Strangelove? Are we the working man’s podcast? Is Jake everybody’s favorite? Does this episode include our first phone call with a Commie? Was the 2003 remake as good? Would Florida chainsaw masker be a much different and scarier movie? Did one of the characters from this inspire Dudley Kong? Did these characters suck? Are the villains a loving family? Was Leatherface the only immortalized character from this movie? Was the “true story” based in reality? If you like this movie what comic should you read? Who wins in a fight between Buffalo Bill and Leatherface? Who wins in our serial killer gladiatorial death match? Should Hannibal Vorhees be played by Hannibal Burress? What idea do we copyright in this episode? Is this movie a metaphor for the meat industry? What are our favorite vampire movies? Is everything we do on the podcast pre-ordained? Are we living in a simulation? Find out the answer to these and more on this spooky episode!
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