Ep. 170 - WE3D

On the newest episode of the pod the guys discuss the classic Vertigo WE3 by Frank Quitely and Grant Morrison. But first what was Cody’s Halloween costume? Are we finally going to be doing a Tiptoes episode? How do we feel about Doctor Who? Is WE3 a quick read? Is there a lot of hype behind this comic? Did this comic influence James Gunn? Did this comic make us cry? What is meat and motion? Is Thanos an overrated villain? Does the art back up the trippy page layout? Do animals experience time differently than humans? How have these animals been modified? Which animals would we be? How does Jake feel like pet cats or rabbits? What were the covers of each issue? How do we feel about Pet Cemetery? Did Chronic Jarvis have a son? Is this short and sweet? What movies can be used to describe this comic? Do our conversations effect our Pesci score? What video games have Anthony and Jake been playing? Did Anthony have to get roommates due to the economy? Find out the answers to these in more on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!
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