Nov. 28, 2023

Ep. 171 - Insomniac's Spider-Man 2

Ep. 171 - Insomniac's Spider-Man 2

This week we’re dropping a special video game edition of Half Baked.  Jake & Anthony discuss Sony & Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 for the PS5!  SPOILERS AHEAD🛑🚨🚨 But first…would Fred Durst be a good Spider-Man?  Is this our first ever episode dedicated to a video game?  Is Cody a loser?  Is Cody the master of time?  Is Cody a Kang variant?  Is Miles in this game as much as we thought he would be?  Was Mary Jane hot in this game?  Is Mary Jane O.P. with a gun?  Is this game more challenging than the first?  Does Kraven’s Last Hunt heavily influence this video game?  Does Harry Osborn have the most punch-able face?  Can you watch the story for the game and not even play it to appreciate it?  Were some costumes better than others?  Are all the Tom Holland costumes even wanted in the game?  Is there depth and heart to the story?  How was the design for all of the villains?  Were the boss fights hard?  Can you just swing & fly around the city and have fun?  Does Spider-Man pay homage to the Arkham Batman games?  Does Mary Jane become the ketchup and mustard symbiote?  Does Anthony have a great idea for expanding the map for the 3rd Spider-Man game?  Were all the fight moves Spidey accurate? Who did Jake & Anthony enjoy playing as the most?  Were the Mysterio fights some of the coolest ones in the game?  Is Mr. Negative & Miles’ arc together compelling?  Were there cool cameos & Easter eggs in the game?  Does Anthony deep dive into Spidey lore and connect Ezekiel to Cindy Moon? Who is Anti-Venom in the comics? Does Spider-Man 2099 have a presence in this game?  Does Spider-Man 2 have a lot of heart?  Is the pigeon man mission one of the saddest missions in the game?  Does Wolverine have that DAWG in him?  Does Wolverine need to be an open world game?  Is Spider-Man a murderer?  Who would you rather beat the shit out of you:  Batman or Spider-Man?  Does this game really make the PS5 shine?  Tune in this week to our Half Baked video game edition of Comics and Chronic!


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