Dec. 5, 2023

Ep. 173 - The Human Target (Vol. 2) - The Martian Cuckhunter

Ep. 173 - The Human Target (Vol. 2) - The Martian Cuckhunter

On the next episode of Comics and Chronic and our first of 2 new episodes this week, the guys talk Human Target Vol. 2 by Tom King and Greg Smallwood. But first who do we like more between Drake Bell and Josh Peck? Do we like The Wackness? Would a young Ben Kingsley had made a good Lex Luthor? How good is Jake with The Sopranos? What is White Phosphorus Gabagool? Did Tom King cuck Martian Manhunter? Is this one of the better comics we read? Does Tom King take chances? Do we wish we were poisoned and banging baddies and solving mysteries? Does Cody have the Human Target will? Do we wish Guy Gardner stayed dead? Even though Batman’s presence exist in this comic? Was Tom King using his experience as a CIA operative as inspiration? Is this a mature story? Is this a noir story? Is Cody Gnort? Is Jake Guy Gardner? Who is Rocket Red? What is DC Black Label? How is Greg Smallwood’s art? Does Anthony sell us on a Moon Knight book? Who’s the dog giving top? Does Martian Manhunter make a cameo in the Sandman comics? Whose idea was poisoning Christopher? Was it intended for Christopher or Lex Luthor? Does this comic make us want to drink and drive? Is there a Human Target tv show? What did we think about the ending? Are we glad the story ended when it did? How does compare to other Tom King books? Does Anthony take trips to Hell? Find out answers to these and more in the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!


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