Dec. 7, 2023

Ep. 174 - Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow

Ep. 174 - Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow

On the second brand-new episode of Comics and Chronic this week, the guys discuss Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King and Bilquis Evely. But first where was Cody stuck? What did he think of seeing Theo Von live? Was this the guy’s first exposure to Supergirl? Does the art take this comic to the next level? Why are aliens coming after Supergirl? Who is the narrator for this book? Does Supergirl have an edge Superman doesn’t? How do suns play into this comic? Is this a good read? Is Tom King writing hits? Are Krem and the Brigadeers good villains? Is this a space western? Is this Ruthye’s story more than supergirl’s? Did this have a satisfying ending? Is this some of our favorite art in comics? Who are our favorite comic book artists? Are the writers or artists frontmen of a band? Who wins in an Armstrong death battle? What always happened to Stretch Armstrong toys? Who would be a great actor for Krem of the Yellow Hills? Would Anya Taylor Joy make a good supergirl? Who wins in a fight between Supergirl and Captain Marvel? Does Jake recommend Superman Red and Blue? Was the only thing lacking from this story Supergirl’s feet? Was the book influenced by All-Star Superman? Where is the worst place a portal would take us? Did we want to savor this comic?


Find out the answer to these and more on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!


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