Ep. 175 - Blue Beetle

On the 175th freakin episode of Comics and Chronic the guys talk DC’s Blue Beetle. But first does Jake hate Kevin? Did the guys have a good Thanksgiving? Do we love George Lopez? Who was the weakest link in the cast? Was the villain one note? How was the cgi? Was Blue Beetle’s suit comic accurate? What was the first movie that had a sentient suit? Are we subtitle boys? Do we love the movie Stepmom? Does Cody still hate families? What is Anthony’s medical advice? Are we over origin stories? Does Anthony think Daredevil (2003) does origin stories better? What is the Tommy K special? Is the first half of the movie better than the second? How does this rank against other super hero movies? How does it rank against other DC movies? Are Birds of Prey and Batman vs Superman overhated? Should we do a 24 hour Justice League Livestream? Are we serious movie critics? Who would be in this movie? Does this wholesome family go on a murderous rampage? Would Jason Sudekis be a good Ted Kord? Is this worth the watch?
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