Ep. 179 - LA Comic Con

In this Half Baked edition of Comics and Chronic, Anthony and Jake talk about their experience at LA Comic Con! But first, is Godzilla: Minus One the best Godzilla movie Jake has ever seen? Do we stand on business? Is Kevin Smith coming on the podcast? Did anyone know Kevin Smith would be at the con? What did we think of the Cancer and Comics panel that Kevin Smith moderated? Do we connect most with guests that are in both the comic book and entertainment industry? Does Rodney Barnes (Killadelphia; Winning Time) have his own horror podcast that we want to cover on an episode? Was Matt Bors (The Nib; Justice Warriors) the first person we talked to at the con? When did the edibles hit? Did Chip Zdarsky sketch a (legally) high Hulk for Anthony? How do most creators react when we tell them about Comics and Chronic? Who were we surprised to find out was a stoner? Are we planning to have Josie Campbell (The New Adventures of Shazam; My Adventures with Superman) on the pod? Did we immediately click with Tini Howard (Excalibur; Catwoman)? Are we making “stand on business” business cards? Did Cody Ziglar (Miles Morales: Spiderman; She-Hulk) put a Pesci sticker on his laptop? Did we meet artist Ryan Ottley? Was Aubrey Sitterson (The Stoned Master; Beef Bros) one of the funniest creators we met? Was this Anthony’s first time in LA? Did Jake see GaTa from Dave at the movie theater? What do we respect about our conversation with Dan Slott? Has Dan Slott been playing Spider-Man 2 on PS5? Did we both pick up Stray Dogs comics from Tony Fleecs? Are we planning an episode on Local Man too? What comic did Anthony recommend to Jake that almost made him lose all respect for Anthony? What’s the comic book Twitter discourse of the week and how do we feel about it? How is Mark Millar involved in all of this? Is it empowering a toxic part of the comic book community? Should that part of the comic community get fucked? Do the guests we’ve had on the pod prove that diverse, personal stories succeed in comics? How did Anthony feel about In-N-Out Burger? Did we talk to former guest of the pod Scott Koblish? Were there any weed comics we found at the con? Should our super-talented artist pal Joey Murphy go to cons to sell his art? Was former WWE superstar Rikishi at the con and will he be joining us on the pod to talk about his first comic book with Eric McElroy Jr.? Has anyone ever mentioned Rikishi and Joe Pesci in the same sentence? Did we buy LEGOs at the con even though we aren’t LEGO people? Was Timmy Heague (Archie - Fear the Funhouse: Toybox of Terror) one of the coolest creators we talked to at the con? Was 2023 the year Anthony became an Archie fan? Did we get to play the new video game Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch at the con? Did we learn about Elijah Woods new comic with Spectrevision at L.A. Comic Con? Is Cody a good father? Did Jake fall asleep during one of the panels? Are we going to more comic cons in the future? Will the boys of Comics and Chronic be part of the Red Eye Comedy Festival Cody is organizing in West Virginia in April? Did Anthony run into Willem Dafoe on his flight home? What did we think of the cosplay at the con? Would Jake be able to figure out Spider-Man’s identity if he was in the Marvel universe? Did we have some intense rounds of Super Smash Bros?
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