Jan. 2, 2024

Ep. 182 - The Killing Joke

Ep. 182 - The Killing Joke

Happy New Year! Our Patreon episodes are coming out of the Comics and Chronic vault and we're throwing a new one your way every week this month!!


On the first ever Patreon episode the guys discuss the classic DC comic The Killing Joke from Alan Moore and Brian Bolland. But first where did Cody perform over the weekend? What did Cody get a tattoo of? Can any of the guys do the worm? Is The Killing Joke one of the best graphic novels of all time? Have we evolved into Ganja and Graphic Novels? Is this an accurate origin story for the Joker? Is the art for this comic iconic? How do the colors alter the comic based on which version you read? How does the animated movie compare? How did the animated movie drop the ball on such an icon comic? Does the Joker do a musical number? What’s Cody’s dark secret? Does Joker SA Barbara Gordon? Is Italian Joker making an appearance? Are Batman and the Joker the same? Does Batman kill Joker at the end of this comic? Is Gordon more sane than Batman? Do the guys analyze the final panels? What living Sopranos actors would be well casted in The Killing Joke? Would the Joker be a successful comedian now? Should Paul F. Tompkins be Batman? Is this the best Joker story? Does the strength of this book come from its ambiguity? Are there bad Joker origin stories? Is the Joker like Anton Segur from No Country for Old Men? Is the Joker just reacting to society? Would Joker have killed Batman if the gun hadn’t been a prop? Was Heath Ledger’s Joker influenced by this Joker? Have we been blessed with Jokers (aside from Jared Leto’s)? What's up with everyone named Jerome? The answers to these and more can be found on the first Patreon episode of Comics and Chronic!!
Check out our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ComicsandChronic


Check out our website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.comicsandchronic.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ New episodes every THURSDAY Follow us on social media! Instagram // Twitter // TikTok : @comicsnchronic YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC45vP6pBHZk9rZi_2X3VkzQ E-mail: comicsnchronicpodcast@gmail.com Cody Twitter: @Cody_Cannon Instagram: @walaka_cannon TikTok: @codywalakacannon Jake Instagram: @jakefhaha Anthony Instagram // Twitter // TikTok : @mrtonynacho YouTube: youtube.com/nachocomedy