Jan. 11, 2024

Ep. 185 - Murder Falcon

Ep. 185 - Murder Falcon

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys are finally talking Murder Falcon by Daniel Warren Johnson. But first did Anthony start Monarch? What did the guys think of the GTA 6 trailer? Are we excited to return to Vice City? Who’s more dangerous: Godzilla or Cody with a car? Who should voice Murder Falcon? Are the guys going to create the guide to Comics and Chronic: The Commie-nist Manifesto? Are we glad this series is only one volume? Was the world fleshed out? How is music and the love of metal a part of this story? What silly name did the villain have? Does this comic use silly tactics to cover serious topics? What twist adds lots of depth? Would this be in our top comics of all time? What are our favorite new to us comics of the year? Is there anything we can’t do? Should we be held accountable for Betty Yayo 2069? Who would we be in this comic? How much do we recommend this comic? Do honey’s love Murder Falcon?


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