Jan. 25, 2024

Ep. 189 - Moon Knight by Lemire and Smallwood

Ep. 189 - Moon Knight by Lemire and Smallwood

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys are discussing Moon Knight by Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood. But first what is the reason the guys are popping bottles? Are we smoking less in 2024? Is Anthony the daintiest host of the podcast? Why do the guys constantly call things babies now? Who is Tony Hawkins (a Tony Hawk Steven Hawkins hybrid)? Do we have our worst transition ever? Did this comic redeem the Moon Knight for Cody after the Disney+ series? Are we traumatized by the show? Is this comparable to Shutter Island? Is this in his head or real? Do we like the change of art styles with personalities? Is Matt Fraction's Hawkeye the Hawkeye equivalent of this comic? Is MCU mid? Would Darren Aranofsky be a good director for this comic? Are we interested in Echo? Do we want more Hulk stories in the MCU? Is Jake right about everything being in Marc Spector's imagination? Is everybody who made the Disney+ show going to Hell? Does the comic Coffin Bound suck? What was Cody gifted from Japan? Are the people who don’t rate our podcast stinky babies? Find out this and more on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!


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