Jan. 30, 2024

Ep. 190 - Batman Begins

Ep. 190 - Batman Begins

From the Patreon vault: It’s Batman Day and we’re giving our Patreon subscribers a special episode as we talk Batman Begins directed by Chris Nolan and starring Christian Bale as Batman. In honor of Batman Day we are tackling the DC movie that set the tone for future superhero movies. Did Anthony tell the funniest joke of all time off-air? Was Ra’s al Ghul’s master plan to make everyone in Gotham to trip balls? Does this movie feel like the typical Christopher Nolan movie? Does this movie do a good job of juggling more than one villain? Is this movie feel grounded and street-level? Does Chris Nolan give himself that sloppy Toppenheimer? Does Batman Begins handle the fear aspect of Batman the best? Is the Tumbler the worst Batmobile? Is Michael Cane the best Alfred? Is a Nolan flop stronger than a Marvel flop? Did Chris Nolan make every comic book movie after want to be 3 hours long? Why does Jake hate Pittsburgh? Is Pittsburgh the Boston of Appalachia? Are true fans of Comics and Chronic from Pittsburgh? Is it just the absolute worst place on earth? Is $200 a good amount to pay a prostitute? If you say Cillian Murphy 3 times will be show up? Is Cody’s apartment haunted? Was Scarecrow barely in the movie? Who would win in a brawl among all the live-action Batmans ever? Does this movie have a lot of fast cutting away? Does it ruin some of the fights? Would Mr. Freeze win a Batman villain’s brawl? Did Batman Begins single handedly resurrect DC at the time? Is Cody a sweaty Bo Betty banana fo fetty? Is Anthony going to share his next Dark Secret with a super special guest? Are we doing a special Halloween spooky season live stream with a special guest?


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