Feb. 6, 2024

Ep. 192 - Zdarksy: Year One

Ep. 192 - Zdarksy: Year One

This week we’re bringing you an interview with one of the most prolific comic book writer/artist out right now, Chip Zdarsky!  He’s co-creator and artist for Sex Criminals, he’s written for Batman, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Howard The Duck, Jughead, and created, wrote, and illustrated Public Domain as well as created and wrote Kaptara.  But first, did Baby Geniuses LITERALLY crawl so Spy Kids could run?  Are we a friend to Canadian comic creators?  What is Chip’s creative relationship with Matt Fraction like?  Will Sex Criminals ever be made into a tv show?  Do artists tend to be liked more than writers due to creative consistency?  Does Chip prefer to be an artist or writer?  What is Chip’s podcast Mangasplaining?  How does Chip Zdarsky feel about creative rights within the comic industry? How does Chip feel about taking on Joker Year One?  What is his take going to be on the most iconic comic book villain?  What makes a good comic book editor in the industry?  How does it feel to get a “Tompliment” from Tom Breevort? Is Chip Zdarsky solely responsible for legalizing marijuana in New York City in Marvel Comics?  Does he smoke weed?  How does he feel about charging fans for signatures?  What are some of Chip’s most rewarding writer/editor relationships in the comic industry?  How does that effect his story with Peter Parker & long time hater/Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson?  What are positive signs of a good comics editor?  Did Chip Zdarsky’s Avengers comic predict what would happen in America post-pandemic back in 2019?  Why does Chip think writing DC comics harder than writing Marvel comics?  Is weed legal in the DC Universe?  Tune in to hear Chip Zdarsky here on Comics and Chronic!

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Chip Zdarsky Profile Photo

Chip Zdarsky

Writer / Artist