Feb. 8, 2024

Ep. 193 - The Ghost of Harrenhal

Ep. 193 - The Ghost of Harrenhal

Winter is here and the guys are smoking out Westeros as we talk Game of Thrones all month long!

On the second Game of Thrones episode of Comics and Chronic the guys are covering season 2, episode 9, “The Ghost of Harrenhal” But first did the guys take edibles? Did Anthony go to a mini chronic con that had former guests Josie Riesman and Brian Box Brown? Is the night dank and full of terrors? Who is Misandry? How did Melisandre kill Renly? Is Tywin fair? How has Cody been avoiding depression? Do we love Bron? What happens with Renly’s army? Who has Daenerys’ back in this episode? Are the warlocks more powerful now that the dragons are born? What happened to Emilia Clarke’s career? Do actors peak with HBO? Does Bron do ASMR? Was Cersei in 300? Should we do a Goldeneye episode? Can Sean Bean do anything? Does Brienne pledge herself to Catlelyn Stark? Are we getting more Game of Thrones books? Is Jake  going to enslave George RR Martin? How would weed affect White Walkers? Who’s Jaquen? Is geography important in this show? Do we ever skip the show intro? Is Jake the villain? Did Cody wear a fedora? Do we love to hate Cersei? What does Tyrion do that pisses Joffrey off? Do characters believe Stannis is The Prince Who Was Promised? Who would win in a sword fight between Jake, Anthony, and Cody? Should you be obtaining lore while having sex? Find out the answers to these and more in the second Game of Thrones episode of Comics and Chronic!


This episode features a lofi beat from Chill Astronaut: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrbzkwUcLKws7iDyzAI_Aw


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