Ep. 195 - The Rains of Castamere

Winter is here and the guys are smoking out Westeros as we talk Game of Thrones all month long!
We continue this week with season 3, episode 9 - The Rains of Castamere. But first is Cody taking shots at Canada? Has Trailer Park Boys aged well? Are people pushy with Letterkenny? Are we happy with Supergirl casting? Are we happy with James Gunn’s position in DC? Do we own more Marvel or DC comics? How are we at avoiding spoilers? Does the show make Jon Snow out to be a better swordsman than the books? What differences are there between the show and books at this point? What is The Red Wedding? Can we name The direwolves? What is Anthony’s conspiracy in this episode? Is Roose Bolton a monster? Is keeping a kingdom harder than ruling a kingdom? Where is Lady Stonedheart? Could this have been the end of the Starks? Does Robb ever get close to winning? Who are the strongest characters in the series? Did the show do Ser Barristan Selmy dirty? Are the Wildlings much different than the Westerosi? How’s Jake’s Walder Frey Impression? Did Catelyn die the moment they saw Robb die? Could the Bolton’s have been vampires? How do we feel about Theon? Where did the books leave off? Are the Books better? Is The Hound one of our fav characters? Is Sansa the Yoko Ono of the Stark family? What is the origin of the song the Rains of Castamere? Are Anthony and Jake going to good cop/bad cop George RR Martin into finishing the book? Should there be a movie about Maester Luwin Davis? What is the Comics and Chronic Rains of Castamere? Should we do a season 2 of Winter is Coming? Find out the answers to this and more on our third episode of Game of Thrones!
This episode features a lofi beat from Chill Astronaut: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrbzkwUcLKws7iDyzAI_Aw
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