Feb. 22, 2024

Ep. 197 - The Stoners on the Wall

Ep. 197 - The Stoners on the Wall

Winter is here and the guys are smoking out Westeros as we talk Game of Thrones all month long!


This week the guys discuss season 4, episode 9 The Watchers on the Wall. But first did Jake wear lots of Phat Farm? Did Ecko have dope Marvel designs? What was Cody’s nickname in high school? Are Anthony and Cody the No Sellers on the Wall? Was this the biggest episode so far in the series? Does Grenn go out like a G? Is The Night’s Watch like the Green Lantern Corps? Is Ser Alliser a badass? Is Tormund in beastmode? Were giants real in our world? Does Samwell get money? Were the Thenns good villains? Do we know the difference between wights and white walkers (no)? Would we survive this battle (yes)? Would Jake fuck a giant to death (hell yes)? Would Alliser be a good Kilowog? How is the Game of Thrones sword choreography? Can we name all the Valerian steel swords? Was Deadwood underrated? Does Westeros use lots of Earth’s animals? Did the showrunners make Troy? Does Anthony introduce a brilliant work of writing, The Commie Pledge? Do we Stan Stannis? Find out the answers to these and more on the next episode of Comics and Chronic: Winter is Coming


This episode features a lofi beat from Chill Astronaut: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrbzkwUcLKws7iDyzAI_Aw


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