Ep. 227 - X-Men (2000)

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys talk the original X-men. But first how was Lil Wayne’s performance at Wrestlemania? What podcast is Cody hoping on? How did Jake feel about Fallout? Does Cody have a Gorilla Grip? Is Bryan Singer a monster? Is there a connection between this movie and Quiet on Set? Would the X-Men fight against Boeing? Would Cody risk it all for Rogue? How is the cast? How accurate to the comics is this movie? Do they nerf everybody? How was the costume design? How was the showdown between Xavier and Magneto with the cops? What great X-Men make cameos in this movie? How do we rank all of the X-Men movies? Does this movie have pre 9/11 vibes? What happens when you mess with Pitbull? Who would we cast J. Lo as? What other crazy casting do we have? Would Anthony in Prison be a good show? Is Jake going to whistleblow on Boeing on our Patreon? Find out the answers the to this and more on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!
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