Ep. 236 - The Immortal Hulk (Vol. 7 and 8)

On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the guys discuss volumes 7 and 8 of The Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing. But first did Anthony ever get over WWII? What is the sign somebody saw combat? Will we be seeing Jake in the Trump camps? Was one of the bonus issues done by the creator of Hellboy Mike Mignola? Do these volumes get back on track from the last couple we read? Is Xemnu the weaponized Mandela Effect? Do we find out The Leader is the big bad of the series? Does Xemnu get the Hulk cancelled? Did the Sinbad movie Shazam ever exist? Is Xemnu antisemitic? Do kids love Young Sheldon? Have we seen Jack Johnson live? What’s the craziest Hulk out moment in these volumes? What happens in The Leader’s issue? Does Gamma Flight suck? Is Jack Gleason returning to acting? Are we excited about The Sandman season 2? Is there a motorcycle Stan Lee in this comic? How does Samson become Sasquatch? Was Ang Lee’s Hulk a huge influence on this run? How does Hulk escape Gamma Flight? At this point can Hulk come out during the day again? Why is Bruce Banner stuck in Hell? Is Ben Grimm’s The Thing able to hold his own against Hulk? Is this the biggest omnibus we’ve read? Would Cody let The Leader suck his dick for Gamma powers? Find out the answers to these and more on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!
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