Ep. 253 - Geiger

This week we've got a couple of Half Baked episodes starting with Anthony & Jake and they're discussing the Image comic Geiger by critically acclaimed writer Geoff Johns & artist Gary Frank with colorist Brad Anderson. Per image: "Set in the years after a nuclear war ravaged the planet, desperate outlaws battle for survival in a world of radioactive chaos. Out past the poisoned wasteland lives a man even the Nightcrawlers and Organ People fear. Some name him Joe Glow, others call him the Meltdown Man. But his name...is Geiger."
But first Jake reveals a new action figure. Plus, is Geoff Johns one of Anthony’s most influential comic writers? Does this book have a lot of the usual post-apocalyptic/nuclear wasteland elements? Does the art in this book tell a bigger story than the writing? Does this character borrow from Hulk, Ghost Rider, and Nightwing? Is Geoff Johns an edgelord? Is this book sad? Is this book a quick read in the best way? Is the world building in this comic one we want to see more of? Will Cody enjoy the fact that families die in this comic? Tune in to learn all about GEIGER!
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