Sept. 2, 2021

Ep. 35 - The Sandman (Vol. 1 and 2)

Ep. 35 - The Sandman (Vol. 1 and 2)

It's the start of Sandman September baybeeeee!! We'll be going through the entire Sandman series this month and discussing a couple of volumes each week! This week we dive into volumes 1 and 2 of Neil Gaiman's classic series The Sandman and make your wildest dreams come true.

But before that check out our recap and dissection of the Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer and hear some of our theories about the movie!

Plus, we dive into our own dreams and try to figure out what the hell is going on in our unconscious minds. Why is Jake dreaming about Charlie Sheen and murder? Can Anthony teach us how to lucid dream? How did Cody traumatize Jake? Is there a connection between dreams, death and psychedelics? Do the guys believe in ghosts? Did Jake successfully summon Satan himself? And who is most likely to become a super villain?!


Enter the Dreaming and listen to the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!!

New episodes every THURSDAY

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