Sept. 16, 2021

Ep. 37 - The Sandman (Vol. 5, 6, and a little bit of 7)

Ep. 37 - The Sandman (Vol. 5, 6, and a little bit of 7)

It's the third week of Sandman September baybeeeee!! We'll be going through the entire Sandman series this month and discussing a couple of volumes each week! This week we dive into volumes 5, 6 and a little bit of vol. 7 of Neil Gaiman's classic series The Sandman and make your wildest dreams come true.  

In this episode we meet Caesar, Orpheus, the 7th endless, and Tony Soprano. Plus, why is Morpheus such a dead beat dad? Could Fred Savage beat Vandal Savage in a fight? Did Inception suck? What should Cody name is next son? Why are Morpheus and Dr. Manhattan slaying pussy??


And if we're all the dream of someone else, who the fuck is dreaming Cody?!

Enter the Dreaming and listen to the newest episode of Comics and Chronic!!  

New episodes every THURSDAY

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