March 24, 2022

Ep. 64 - Mask of the Phangasm

Ep. 64 - Mask of the Phangasm

Bat March continues as we talk the classic Batman animated movie Mask of the Phantasm. Is this the animated version of Batman: Year Two? Is the Alfred in this movie a queer icon or just a cock block? Could Jake and Cody replace Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson in The Lighthouse? Does Bruce Wayne decide to clap cheeks for the rest of his life? Has Cody dabbled in backyard wrestling? Is Batman an advocate for mental health? Does Jake go boner first on trampolines? Is the Batman animated series the best iteration of Batman we've ever seen? Would Batman beat the shit out of us if he caught us on an L ride? Did Batman take a Rudy Giuliani stance on fighting crime? Did the X-Men have a better theme song than Batman? Is the Joker the most broken person imaginable or the most genius? Is Mortal Kombat better than this movie? Is Anthony's variant just Bitter Anthony? Can you imagine being so horny you kill somebody's parents? Are we doing a Citizen Kane episode? Will Anthony's Joe Pesci score force him to apologize to the Commies?


And who is the mysterious new villain in Gotham named TRAMP-O-PEEN??

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