April 17, 2022

Ep. 68 - Blacksad Vol. 2 (The Sunday Smoke Sesh feat. Joey Murphy)

Ep. 68 - Blacksad Vol. 2 (The Sunday Smoke Sesh feat. Joey Murphy)

The Sunday Smoke Sesh returns alongside John Blacksad as we talk Dark Horse Comics' Blacksad Vol. 2: A Silent Hell by Juan Diaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido. Friend of the podcast and artist Joey Murphy joins us to discuss! How does this volume compare to Blacksad Vol. 1? Plus, is Joey the Slimer to our Ghostbusters? Is Jake nice or mean? Would Cody fuck every character in Blacksad? Who is the mysterious orange cat that looks like Kurt Russell? Is this story similar to The Serpent and the Rainbow? Could Paulie Walnuts from The Sopranos beat John Blacksad in a fight? Who is Cajun Jake? Can you fund a comic through OnlyFans? What animal would Joey be in the Blacksad universe? Who is Space Penguin? And Anthony reveals our average Joe Pesci scores from the last 68 episodes! Check out our new website: https://www.comicsandchronic.com/ New episodes every THURSDAY Follow us on social media! Instagram: @comicsnchronic Twitter: @comicsnchronic TikTok: @comicsnchronic YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC45vP6pBHZk9rZi_2X3VkzQ E-mail: comicsnchronicpodcast@gmail.com Cody Twitter: @Cody_Cannon Instagram: @walaka_cannon TikTok: @codywalakacannon Jake Instagram: @jakefhaha Anthony Twitter: @mrtonynacho Instagram: @mrtonynacho TikTok: @mrtonynacho YouTube: youtube.com/nachocomedy

Joey Murphy Profile Photo

Joey Murphy
