Ep. 88 - Commendatori (Sopranos Summer: Ep. 2)

Commnedatori! Sopranos Summer is finally here!! We're picking one episode for each season of the The Sopranos and talking about the entire series all summer long.
This week we're talking Season 2, Episode 4 Commendatori. Can you kill Cody's lateness without killing him? Why is The Sopranos so damn funny? Do real Italians call it sauce or gravy? Was Big Pussy a good dude? Which one of us is a rat? Does Jake shit where he eats? Is Tony Soprano the Superman of the Sopranos universe? Which of us is most likely to climb the ranks of the mafia? Does Tony have a weakness for women in power? Which scene does David Chase make a cameo in? Which DC heroes would the cast of The Sopranos be? Would Richie Aprile make a good Homelander? Would Jake's aggressive mentality ultimately lead to him being whacked? Is Richie Aprile the series best villain? Which member of Tony's crew is the most wholesome mobster? Which one of us has the most Bobby Baccala vibes? Could Cody's lateness help him avoid being whacked by the mob? Are Anthony and Jake enabling Cody's toxic lateness? Does this episode have the first appearance of Furio? Which characters are like Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World? Is Carmella a toxic mother? Is Janice Soprano just a female Tony? Is everyone a villain on The Sopranos? How does Anthony relate to Christopher Moltisanti? Would any of us get made? Is Tony Soprano the most progressive gangster for employing women? How does The Sopranos examine mental health and was it ahead of its time? Does Jake have an encyclopedia knowledge of The Sopranos? Was James Gandolfini like Tony Soprano in real life? And what happened to Desus & Mero?!
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