Ep. 91 - Long Term Parking (Sopranos Summer: Ep. 5)

Sopranos Summer continues with Season 5, Episode 12 Long Term Parking. In this episode, Cody's coming in hot and Adriana's snitching comes to its climax! Plus, is Cody a liar? What does it mean to get high on a horse? What new comics has Jake picked up? What would happen if Blacksad ran into Tony Soprano? Which one of us is the Sopranos Savant? Is this a feel-good Sopranos episode or the most serious episode we've covered? Did Adriana deserved to get whacked? Why does Christopher decide to tell Tony about Adriana? Does Ade's fate effect Tony? Did Tony regret what he did? Is Silvio a barracuda? Is Phil Leotardo a bastard? Was Matush a terrorist? What's going on between the New York Families and The Sopranos this season? How did the FBI seal Adriana's fate? Are the FBI any different from the mob? Which character's death hit us the hardest? What makes for a great relationship in the Sopranos? Would Jake be able to fill Tony's shoes? Who would be his consigliere? Why is Jake beefing with Cody? Did Adriana get reincarnated into a cat? Why is Kevin a slut? Who would take power if Comics and Chronic was a family? Is Cody the cat god? Does The Sopranos use a lot of dad jokes? What if Tony Soprano met Morpheus aka The Sandman? Would Furio make a good head of the family? Should Anthony be Uncle Junior for Halloween? Was The Sopranos a turning point for cinematic television? Is it the best show of all time? What other shows impacted us similarly? Was Breaking Bad better than The Sopranos? Does Jake love cartels? How does Anthony know Drea de Matteo? Is Meadow the first woke character on television? Does Meadow have the worst choice in boyfriends? How does Sons of Anarchy compare to The Sopranos? Would The Sopranos be improved with Katy Segal? Would she make a better Carmella Soprano? Does Jake wish AJ died in the finale? Is David Chase listening to the podcast? Why is this episode called Long Term Parking? Does Comics and Chronic have a Pornhub page? Is Cody spying on Jake for the FBI?!
And we start to solidify our Sopranos spin-off series THE MEADOWLANDS
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