Ep. 99 - She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

This one's for the ladies!! On the newest episode of Comics and Chronic the boys cover the newest MCU Disney+ TV series She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. Oh no is one of the guys sick? Why are we attacking doctors? Is there a list keeping track of movies Anthony has never seen? Follow @Jorion on IG! Is he our Wong? What kind of people don’t like She-Hulk? How is the humor in the show and who is it geared towards? How does it stack against other MCU shows? What’s our biggest beef with the show? What did we think about Daredevil’s inclusion? Did we like the romance? Did we like the inclusion of a superhero fashion designer? What MCU show is most ham fisted in its messaging? How do we feel about She-Hulk’s use of The Abomination? Is it cool that Tim Roth has become this Ram Dass type character? What was our favorite episode? Did we flip out about the inclusion of The Sopranos? Did Marvel nerf The Hulk? What do we think of Phase 4 and will our differing opinions on it tear the podcast apart? Are we excited for the MCU moving forward? Is Marvel going to make Young Avengers a big thing in the MCU? What do we think of the series finale? Do we like the inclusions of comedians in the writer’s room? Do we like that Jen Walters became She-Hulk early on? What did we think of Skaar and his dumbass haircut?
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