Your friendly neighborhood stoners


Episodes where we discuss DC properties
Dec. 29, 2022

Ep. 109 - Kingdom Come - Stepmom vs. T'Challa

We’re finally talking the classic DC comic Kingdom Come from Mark Waid and Alex Ross in our final episode of the year! Does Anthony hate Cody? Would he still do the podcast if Anthony really did? Why is Cody wearing a Susan S...

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Dec. 15, 2022

Ep. 105 - Netflix presents The Sandman

The guys make their triumphant return to The Dreaming on the newest episode of Comics and Chronic to talk about Netflix’s The Sandman . But first, they get into what they did on Halloween. When is the perfect scenario to wear...

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Nov. 25, 2022

Ep. 102 - Black Adam Matters

On this week’s episode the homies cover The Rock's new movie Black Adam! But first, was Cody Mick Foley for Halloween? Does Cody have COVID? Find out in our first ever on-air Commie Covid Test! Plus, are we famous? What illne...

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Oct. 18, 2022

Ep. 95 - The Tom King K-Hole (Batman - One Bad Day: The Riddler)

In our first ever edition of Half Baked , Jake and Anthony team-up to talk Batman - One Bad Day: The Riddler from Tom King and Mitch Gerads. Superhero shirts from Target - do they last forever? What is The Gayest Thing I’ve E...

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July 31, 2022

Ep. 86 - San Diego Comic-Con 2022: The Rise of Cody Feige (The Sunday…

San Diego Comic-Con 2022 is over and we're here to talk about some of the announcements on new short and sweet edition (with just the guys) of The Sunday Smoke Sesh! None bigger than Cody himself taking the reins from Kevin F...

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July 7, 2022

Ep. 82 - Justice

We're talking DC Comics Justice by Jim Krueger, Alex Ross and Doug Braithwaite on this week's new episode of Comics and Chronic! Is this comic an instant classic? Which one of us has a barely disguised foot fetish? Is Alex Ro...

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June 23, 2022

Ep. 79 - Superman: Red Son

In this week's episode we dive into one of our favorite Elseworlds stories form DC Comics Superman: Red Son . Written by Mark Millar with art by Dave Johnson and Kilian Plunkett. Plus, what did we think of the sequel announce...

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June 12, 2022

Ep. 77 - Rachel Pollack's Doom Patrol (The Sunday Smoke Sesh feat. Je…

In our nicest and most normal episode yet, Jessica Crets aka @badpostsLLC joins us to discuss Rachel Pollack's Doom Patrol , the DC/Vertigo comic from the early 90s. We talk trans representation in comics like Neil's Gaiman's...

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March 31, 2022

Ep. 65 - The Dark Knight Returns

In our final Bat March episode, we're talking Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns . Is this the final episode of Comics and Chronic? Is Cody stopping the war in Ukraine by performing for Vladimir Putin? Would LSD work on B...

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March 24, 2022

Ep. 64 - Mask of the Phangasm

Bat March continues as we talk the classic Batman animated movie Mask of the Phantasm. Is this the animated version of Batman: Year Two? Is the Alfred in this movie a queer icon or just a cock block? Could Jake and Cody repla...

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March 17, 2022

Ep. 63 - Batman: Zero Year

In celebration of the release of the new Batman movie, The Batman, we've dubbed this month Bat March and we'll be talking about a Batman comic book or movie every week this month! This week we're talking about Batman: Zero Ye...

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March 10, 2022

Ep. 62 - The Batman

In celebration of the release of the new Batman movie, The Batman, we've dubbed this month Bat March and we'll be talking about a Batman comic book or movie every week this month! This week we're talking about The Batman dire...

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March 3, 2022

Ep. 61 - Batman: Beer One

In celebration of the release of the new Batman movie, The Batman, we've dubbed this month Bat March and will be talking about a Batman comic book or movie every week this month! We're kicking things off with Batman: Year One...

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Feb. 27, 2022

Ep. 60 - Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (The Sunday Smoke Sesh)

In the inaugural episode of The Sunday Smoke Sesh , comedian, writer, and loyal Commie Carter Thomas joins to talk Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice . Specifically, Carter made us watch the 3 hour Ultimate Edition which may ...

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Feb. 24, 2022

Ep. 59 - Peacemaker

We're talking about the HBO MAX series Peacemaker from James Gunn and starring Anthony's former co-worker John Cena. Did we think the series was better than anything the MCU has been putting out on Disney+ lately? Is it DC's ...

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